Work Options for the 50+ Generation
Are you considering working into your retirement years?  If so, this article has information for you!  Did you know that there are numerous unconventional ways to remain in the workforce?   Boomers have enormous experience and years of productivity ahead of them. We know that for some, work plays a very important role in providing a sense of meaning and purpose.  Mature employees may continue to contribute to their organizations by mentoring others and by bringing life lessons to share to help solve the problems of tomorrow.  You may decide to return to that which you have done, or launch a new career in teaching or nonprofits, start a business, or work part-time as a contractor. You may also consider working more on your terms, flex scheduling, seasonal, contract or portfolio.

You may want to consider Similar/Identical work

Baby boomers have made an impact on every decade they've moved through, and they're now redefining the newest stage of their lives--retirement.  Work can look different for you now; you may no longer have the financial requirements that dictated which job you needed to support the family.  Secondly, you may no longer desire that your work occupies the vast majority of your waking hours.  Finding the right balance of work and life activities may be your new goal.

Downshift role-have you considered moving from your most recent role to a lower level of responsibility and/or lower title?  Are you ready to trade off maximum earnings for a less stressful lifestyle?  Perhaps you really enjoy the work you have been doing, but would enjoy working part-time so that you can have more time with family, friends, traveling or learning. Downshifting gives you that extra time to spend on those things that are fulfilling and rewarding for you in your life not just your career.

New environment-Millions of people are being faced with needing to reinvent their careers-if your industry is in decline you may have to consider changing industries, work culture, size or type of firm.  As you research companies in your target market, perhaps you will find challenges in another industry that excite you or come across expanding industries.  You could explore careers in the field of education, healthcare, environment, government, or nonprofit. There are several on-line resources  that provide information on  careers by industry, including the nature of the industry, working conditions, employment, occupations in that industry, employment outlook and professional organizations:  ( ,, ) Network and spend time talking with people and connecting with others through networking groups and professional affiliations.  Consider attending conferences to learn more about what you need in order to qualify for jobs in that industry.  If you lack relevant experience, consider volunteer, temporary, pro-bono or project work to gain the experience that you need!

Telecommuting-working from home is much more than just a new way of getting your job done.  It is a transformation of the way you spend your valuable hours and days.  Telecommuting can help you reclaim your life by saving you time, money and unnecessary stress.  Imagine having no rush hour traffic, no bus or train to catch, no shirt to press!  Today high speed internet access wireless, laptops and mobile devices have made it possible for many people to work anytime and anywhere and some of the world’s best employers are catching on-they are seeing that technology allows employees to be productive no matter where they are and the result is that more employers are focusing on work being done rather than the number of hours spent at a desk.  Consider using your interests and skills in reading, writing, editing, researching, analyzing, or auditing – perhaps programming, scheduling or planning as you begin to consider options. If you enjoy the flexibility of working from home, are looking to stay professionally active and would like to earn some income, then the telecommuting option may be just the perfect choice for you!